Monday, August 26, 2013


OK, first topic...bedroom/jewelry storage. I don't have a large dresser so I keep my jewelry on and in my bedside table drawers and I keep some in my armoire as well. Any nice jewelry I keep in the original bag inside the box. ^

I keep the earrings and necklaces I wear most often on top of my bedside table so they are easily accessible when getting ready in the morning. In the old jelly glass (gold lid) I keep the two rings I wear daily. I rotate perfumes each season and keep those on top as well. And, I think they are kind of pretty and can add a pop of COLOR! Journaling has been a hobby of mine since first grade... I keep all the old ones in a memory box but keep my most current journals by my bedside because I tend to write at night.

I usually line my drawers with some kind of liner or paper, this first drawer happens to be lined with scrapbooking paper. The tan organizer is from the Container Store that I purchased several years ago. Here I keep more delicate necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets I only wear occasionally. 

A few years ago I spray painted a white plastic storage container gold. It was super easy and you could paint it any color to match your space! I also keep things I might use at night or in bed in this drawer because I don't like the way they look sitting on top of my table (Kleenex, Vaseline, Vick's). 

Finally, my armoire. I purchased two white key rails from Target ($5.99 my freshman year of 4 years ago) and keep one on the inside of each door for additional necklace storage... these are the more junky bulky ones. 

When deciding where to store your jewelry think about where you get ready in the morning (as it's usually the last thing you put on). Old jars and plates work great as storage options and look cute, too. You can hang these key rails anywhere or even store necklaces on nails hammered in your closet or behind bedroom doors. Have fun with it!!!

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